Beijing, China

Ah, China. My first blogging attempt was a failed one, I couldn't figure out why. I asked a few a people an got no answers. Then I asked the right person, an American who told me that blogging was censored because of peoples motivations to use it for politics. As a kid I always found the gifts before christmas. When my toys were taken away and hidden from me I managed to find them. And when I was grounded I would 007 my way out of that window and scale my way down to ground. Needless to say in that respect not much has changed, so... I present to you the beginning of my blog.
I arrived to Beijing and the smog was like a light misty fog on a San Francisco day or a day bad day in LA. Something about the motion of Beijing made me feel like I was back in New York City and therefore It felt a bit like home. My first night was great! My friend Robin hooked me up with a friend of hers named Lila out here in Beijing. She took me through the Hutongs (ancient alleyways) *** to a little old lady making a flat-bread like crepe filled with *&^#*& and egg. We snacked our way through the streets Dongcheng and stopped at a famous bakery known as the pride and joy of Beijing called Dao Xiang Cun. When we arrived to our destination, a Taiwanese restaurant we met a few friends of hers by chance. Everyone here has been so wonderful and helpful. Lila and her friends have given me a cell phone, set me up in a hotel and have taken me out around the parts of Beijing only locals would know about. Food seems to be the centerpiece of social gathering. It's great to see all of the Chinese herbal medicine I learn being used in everyday meals. For instance we went to have "Hot Pot" where they precook a broth, like black chicken with Ren Shen (ginseng), Gou Qi Zi (wolfberry), Hong Zao (red date), Shan Yao (white yam) and then you add anything you want into that like veggies or meats etc. I had the "Ginseng Black Chicken Broth" with Lamb and raw Shan Yao and Bamboo... YUM! Another perk to Beijing is massage. Let me not forget to mention the 10. US 1 hour massage at this little fancy spa called Long Island and that includes a food and drink. How could you not get a massage everyday here! I've been walking around the streets and taking in life here as if I was a living here avoiding the touristic endeavors. Next on my list is to visit all the historic prides of Beijing like the forbidden city, lama temple, great wall... you know, all that kind of fun stuff! Today I'm going to visit Beijing Chinese Medical University and see what I can find out about the Doctorate program!


Unknown said…
Hi Kenan
I'm so happy you're having a great time! Love Shiroko
Unknown said…
Hey Kenan... Thank you for the blog! I was one of those kids at Christmas too, so now I want to know how you did it!

Really fun to read about your adventures there... hope you can find a way to keep it up. Love, Jason.
Scott Stabile said…
Hey happy your adventure is off to a great start. I look forward to reading more and hearing your stories firsthand. Have fun brother. I love you.
xoxo - Scott